Guidelines for use of PSWC own warehousing complexes for installationof Mobile/Telecom Towers on Commercialbasis.




1.  PSWC hasapprx. 768 acres land (508.53 Acre own/259.44 Acres on lease) at 138 locations in Punjab where conventional storage capacities (Godown/plinth) have been constructed and many of these facilities are strategically located on main highways, within city limits and other prominent locations.

2.  It has been observed that PSWC has sufficient space available in warehouses which can be offered to mobile/ telecom service providers for installation Mobile/Telecom towers forcommercialpurpose ona fixed tariff.




1.   To utilize the vacant open space of the warehouses for gainful purposes.

2.  To increase the profitability of the Corporation by utilizing vacant open space in the warehouses premises, which otherwise cannot be put to use.

3.  To provide value added services to its user by arranging space for public utility services viz installation of Mobile/Telecom  towers.




The scheme for installation of Mobile/Telecom Towers oncommercial basis in the vacant land of the warehouse in PSWC shall be regulated as following guidelines:


1.  Agencies/parties would have to obtain necessary permission from concerned Authorities and PSWC would not involve itself in such activity except extending permission and/or site/space to interested parties/agencies and

2.  The core activity of PSWC, as mandated by Warehousing CorporationAct, 1962 would not beaffected.

3.  Minimum 140 sq. feet (13 Sq. Mtr.) net area shall be allowed for installation of mobile towers. The mobile towers being the part of Commercial activity of the telecom companies and a source of revenue generation; open space and covered space has no difference for the installation of mobile towers hence minimum 4 times of the net area rate per sq. mtr. of covered space (as per existing tariff) may be charged as monthly rent/storage charges from the telecom company/operator.

4.   In case the area is increased /decreased the rent/storage charges shall be increased /decreased proportionately subject to minimum 140 sq. ft( 13sq. mtrs ).

5.  Three months advance rent/storage charges should be collected from the party.

6.   In case the same mobile tower is shared with more than one telecom/mobile/ ISPs Company by the mobile tower operator then additional 50% of the agreed rent/storage charges shall be charged for each additional mobile/telecom/ISPs company on monthly basis. But the payment of all the mobile operators shall be charged from the operator who has installed the tower.The mobile tower operator shall submit a certificate on completion of the installation of the mobile tower that how many mobile/telecom/ISPs companies etc. are sharing the facility. The mobile tower operator shall also submit a certificate annually about the same.

7.   The initial License fees will be assessed on the basis of Market survey.

8.   The license fee will escalate  minimum @ 6% for subsequent year over the previous year’s rates on compound basis.

9.     The License fee will be charged on monthly/annually in advance.

10. The GST as applicable shall be charged extra.


Broad Terms& Conditions of Land License Agreement


1.    Only the reputed Mobile/Telecommunication companies or other agencies authorized by them shall be eligible for installation of mobile towers in warehouse campus.


2. The mobile tower operator company shall obtain the license, NOC or any other required permission from the concerned Local bodies/State/Central Govt. Authorities and fees/levies etc. if any shall be borne by the mobile tower operator.

3.    The mobile tower operator company shall obtain the insurance if needed of the structure/erected on the space provided by the PSWC. The mobile operator shall absolve the PSWC from all the risks & cost etc.


4.   In case of any accident/exigency, the tower operator company shall be solely liable for any kind of loss to the PSWC premises/property or loss to any third party and shall absolve PSWC from all kind of risks and cost.


5.   The mobile operator company shall handover the possession of the land area after disposal of the structure to PSWC after completion/expiry of the contract period.

6.    The mobile operator company shall bear the repair and maintenance, electricity and water charges expenditure.


7.   The mobile operator company shall obey the rules and regulations as applicable for the installation/operations of the mobile towers.


8.   The mobile operator company shall obey the Labour Laws, local laws and telecom laws and shall absolve PSWC for any kind of risks and disobedience etc.


9.   The PSWC shall conduct periodical inspections (preferable annually or as and when required) to know the status of sharing of the mobile tower by the different telecom/mobile ISPs companies. The mobile tower operator shall facilitate the Corporation in the said inspections.


10. In case the sharing of mobile tower not found in accordance(i.e. sharing higher telecom/mobile/ISPs etc. than the declared) to the declaration by the tower operator the Corporation shall impose the penalty equivalentto ten times of the existing monthly License fee.


11. In case of public protest, any law& order situation due to installation of mobile tower, needs to shift tower due the order of Govt. body /PSWC, the mobile tower shall be removed / shifted at no cost of PSWC

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